About The Project

Places such as warehouses need a way to make sure they are staying on top of the routine management of the machinery and assets in the buildings. This is both for safety and budgetary reasons—keeping their employees safe and additionally planning out when repairs or replacements are needed. I designed a product for both the admin side for the creation of the routine as well as the employees side for the actual maintenance.


Admin Side


Mobile Side


The results tab shows a list of all assigned Rounds for the employee. If they click into an individual Round they can see all of the assets that they need to inspect and details for that particular Round. The employee can also scan the asset in front of them and it will open the matching occurrence for them to begin the inpsection.


Once the asset has been selected—either manually or by scanning, the employee will begin to answer the questions that were set up by the admin.


Some questions will have conditional questions that can appear if a certain criteria is met. In this case, since the “Foundation Condition” question was inputted as “fail”, 3 additional questions appeared.


The admin can also request for a message to appear below the questions if a certain criteria is met.


Some questions can also have a “Details” section, this allows for further information to be attached to that question, such as the history or attachments that may be needed.


If there are any optional questions they appear at the bottom of the list. They will have the option to skip as well as the employee will now see the option to “Submit Round” at the bottom.

Once “Submit Round” is clicked, the employee will be brought back to the screen where they can either continue inspecting assets or submit their completed work for that day.